Preliminary plans on this property are showing a new townhome community tentatively currently being named East Cox Ferry Townhomes.
The East Cox Ferry Townhomes are planning to be constructed near the Highway 378 and Highway 501 intersection across Highway 501 from the Coastal Carolina University. This new townhome community would be adjacent to Wild Wing Plantation and Coast Point West (a Mungo Homes community).
Current plans are showing about 19 buildings and approximately 75 townhomes.
Annexation and the City of Conway
Over the past few years there has been an uptick of annexations of properties into the City of Conway. Annexation incorporates a property into the City limits. It is the process of transferring the parcel of land from an unincorporated area of the county (i.e. Horry County) into the service area and jurisdiction of a city (i.e. Conway). Being contiguous to the Conway municipal boundaries is a key eligibility requirement for annexation.
Annexation Benefits
o City Benefit - bringing more property and residents into municipal limits can reduce costs for services through economies of scale, meaning the more customers there are for a service, the lower the per-customer cost for that service.
Under the South Carolina Code of Laws, Title 5 – Municipal Corporations, Chapter 3, Change of Corporate Limits, any city or town may extend the corporate limits of the municipality in a manner set forth in Chapter 3 of this Code of Law.
Under these Code of Laws there are multiple ways to annex a property, with the most common being the 100% petition and ordinance method. Under this method the property owner signs a legal document requesting annexation, i.e. Petition for Annexation
Annexation Resources:
o City of Conway Petition for Annexation
o Annexation Handbook – Municipal Association of South Carolina